Correct watering with REWATER - LESSON 7

By : Davide - Categories : Garden irrigation Rss feed
let's correct it together!

Don't dig, WATER your garden!
10 tips to revive your irrigation system ...
and to your garden!

Wireless rain sensor
  • The irrigation system irrigates even if there is a thunderstorm or long periods of rain causing waste of water and electricity.
  • Irrigating an already moist soil not only constitutes a useless waste of water but is also harmful to the health of the lawn and plants that find themselves in a constantly humid environment where mold, algae and pathogenic microorganisms proliferate.
  • Irrigation must be stopped manually when it rains and then reactivated when the rains stop.
Solution and benefits
  • The rain sensor blocks irrigation in case of rain avoiding over irrigation and saves you water and electricity.
  • The health of the lawn is preserved by avoiding over-irrigation which can cause lawn diseases.
  • You will save interventions because you will not be forced to deactivate and reactivate the irrigation system in case of rain. When the rains stop, the irrigation system will start working regularly again.
  • The wireless rain sensor allows a quick and easy installation since it does not require the passage of wires from the point where the sensor is positioned to the irrigation control unit.
Your lawn is important ... and so is our water!

A perfect lawn basically depends on a perfect irrigation system.
Therefore, perfecting your irrigation system allows you to get the lawn you've always wanted.

Furthermore, water is a limited natural resource.
Learning to use this resource intelligently is becoming more and more important.
The RI IRRIGO project saves you 80% of water.

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